Everything about tickets
Lowest price or full flexibility?
You decide. On MOLSLINJEN, you can choose a ticket type to suit your travel plans.
If you prefer to be able to board a ferry whenever you want, we have a ticket that automatically ensures that you are booked on the next scheduled departure. If you prefer to plan in good time, you can save money with a Lowprice ticket.
We always have room for you on MOLSLINJEN, no matter which route you are taking through Denmark. Find the ticket type to suit your needs below and read more about the benefits of each ticket type.
Quick guide to ticket types & prices
For cars up to 1,85 m
Can be changed up to time of departure on payment of a fee and any pricedifference
Can be changed up to one month from the date of the original departure
Check-in no later than 10 min. before departure
Non-refundable.. Nor when changing to another ticket type.
Can be changed free of charge up until the original departure, expect for the possible proce difference
May be changed up to three months from the date of the original departure
Refundable for a fee
Check in 10 min. before departure
Access to Business Lounge including a free water and newspaper of the day
Valid for departure within 12 months of the purchase
Check-in no later han 5 min. before departure