Departures & routes
Our routes
Up to 32 daily departures
If you are looking for a shortcut between Sjælland and Jylland, we sail up to 32 times daily, from early morning to late evening 365 days a year.
This makes it easy to find a crossing to suit your travel plans.
The ferry docks at Odden on Sjælland and at Aarhus or Ebeltoft in Jylland.
The crossing between Aarhus and Odden only takes approximately 80 minutes, and it saves you around 200 km of driving. If you take the Ebeltoft-Odden route, you can cross Kattegat in 1 hour and 15 minutes – so Kombardo!
On weekdays, our first sailing is at 5.30 am, and we sail hourly in the mornings and afternoons so you will have no trouble getting to your meetings on time. At weekends and in the holiday periods we have extra departures in the mornings and evenings to accommodate the needs of the whole family.
We look forward to welcoming all on board!
New rules before departure
Register yourself and your passengers
The EU Directive on travelling more than 30 nautical miles by sea requires that you register yourself and your fellow passengers, stating name, nationality, gender and date of birth, every time you travel across the Kattegat on a MOLSLINJEN ferry.
This means that you must include information about yourself and anyone else travelling in your car when you book a ticket for MOLSLINJEN.
You can register the details about yourself and your fellow passengers in the booking flow when you book your ticket. Your details will be sent to the Danish Maritime Authority, stored during the crossing and deleted automatically when you disembark.
To make bookings for future crossings as quick and easy as possible, you can create a travel profile in advance, including details about yourself and any fellow passengers. Click here for further information about the EU directive and the travel profile.
The travel profile is only available on the Danish website.

Check in from home
You now have the option to check in for your upcoming trip from home! This means that you will arrive at the ferry as easy and quick as possible.
When using early check-in, you receive all your tickets digitally. You can breeze right through the check-in terminals and be ready to onboard the ferry, without using the ticket machines. If you booked food and/or a lounge access, you will receive your vouchers by email along with your ticket.
Did you already booked a ticket and didn’t check the box labelled “check-in”? Dont worry! You will receive an email 24 hours before departure with a direct link, where you can check-in beforehand and - if needed - make last minute changes to your reservation.
Foot passengers can also use early check-in and check in beforehand. If you are travelling as foot passenger, you still need to scan your ticket at the check-in gate.
Looking to explore even more?
Molslinjen A/S sails you around Denmark
Do you want to explore one of Denmark’s beautiful islands? Begin your adventure by sailing with BORNHOLMSLINJEN, LANGELANDSLINJEN, ALSLINJEN, SAMSØLINJEN or FANØLINJEN.
Each Danish island has its own unique coastline and nature; from the spectacular rocky coastline of Bornholm in the east to the wide sandy shores of Fanø in the west.
Whatever your fancy, Molslinjen A/S' ferries will take you there.