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New port – New discoveries

Welcome to MOLSLINJEN's new ferry terminal at Østhavn

Ahoy, new port in sight!

On 11 November 2020, MOLSLINJEN will move to the new ferry terminal at Østhavn in Aarhus. 

The construction of MOLSLINJEN’s new ferry terminal began in 2018. And we have taken all the best features of the old port and made the new one even better, so it is even easier for you to take the trip across the Kattegat by high-speed ferry. 

On this page you will learn more about what the move means for you and you will get rare insight into the building of a new port. 

We look forward to welcoming you on board at the new ferry terminal at Østhavn. 


A new port – full of benefits

At the new port, we have done all we can to make your travel between Jutland and Zealand as easy and comfortable as possible. 

Read more below about the many benefits at the new port. 

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Faster motorway access

When you drive off the ferry at the new port, you simply drive straight until you hit the E45 motorway.
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Better access roads

At the new ferry terminal, two-lane roads have been established in both directions. That makes getting to and from the new port fast.
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Easier access on and off the ferry

The ramps at the new port are both wider and longer, so there is plenty of space when driving on and off the ferry.
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More eco-friendly port

MOLSLINJEN’s ferries have access to land power at the new ferry terminal. That means fuel-driven generators are no longer needed to generate power when the ships are docked.
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Better facilities for foot passengers

The new covered skywalk ensures foot passengers direct access to and from the ferry, away from traffic and without having to worry about wind and rain.
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Less traffic through Aarhus

Traffic is diverted away from the bustle of the city centre and out to larger roads with better infrastructure.

Fast access

Getting there

MOLSLINJEN’s new ferry terminal is located at Østhavn in Aarhus. Our new address is Færgevej 7A, 8000 Aarhus C. 

The easiest way to get to the port is by taking Marselis Boulevard and then Østhavnsvej. 

There are bike and pedestrian paths all the way out to the new ferry terminal. It is also possible to be dropped off/picked up by car in the parking lot, right in front of the entrance to the new skywalk.

A new port sees the light of day

The construction of MOLSLINJEN’s new ferry terminal started in 2018. The plan was to move the ferry terminal from the city to an area with more space and better infrastructure. 

A huge project got underway, involving the establishment of three ferry berths and an overlying berth, all of which were built with a considerable depth. 

The work also included the building of quays, ramp foundations, bottom protection for the berths, piers, rockfill, dredging and filling at Østhavnsvej. 

Where there was once water as far as the eye could see, there is now a whole new port area where some of the world's largest high-speed ferries will dock. 


The ferry terminal takes shape

With the foundations in place, the next phase of the construction was started. The terminal building, the administration office, the workshop and ramps needed building.

Additionally, new access roads to the new port had to be established. As you can probably guess, ensuring space for up to 350 vehicles for each ferry departure can be quite a puzzle. 

Uplifting news for pedestrian passengers

Pedestrian passengers were brought into the equation in the construction of the new port. We have mounted a covered skywalk that gives you direct access to and from the ferry.

That way you do not have to venture out among vehicles and, at the same time, you are protected from the elements. 

Uplifting news for pedestrian passengers

Pedestrian passengers were brought into the equation in the construction of the new port. We have mounted a covered skywalk that gives you direct access to and from the ferry.

That way you do not have to venture out among vehicles and, at the same time, you are protected from the elements. 

Testing in progress!

On an early morning in June 2020, one of MOLSLINJEN's high-speed ferries docked at the new ferry port for the first time. 

It was the Express 2, which had the pleasure of testing the berth for the first time. And it all went precisely according to plan! The Express 2 docked without any problems. 

See how the test went here. 

The ramps’ long journey

The ramps are an important part of the new ferry terminal. Every day they ensure that several thousand vehicles can quickly and easily drive on and off the ferry.

The six ramps in all, weighing a total of 1065 tonnes, were specially manufactured in China and made the long journey by ship to Aarhus via Rotterdam.

The ferry ramps are not like the ones we know today. They are both longer and wider, which makes it easier for you to drive on and off the ferry.

Welcome aboard

We are moving to a new port with even better facilities. We have taken all the best features from the old port and have made the new one even better. 

Here you will find answers to some of the questions that can arise in connection with the move.